A Collection of Thoughts

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I always found the pursuit of truth to be somewhat meaningless. I made this page to document my search for that elusive quality, and I think that, in trying to find the truth, we only serve to deceive ourselves.

What is truth? Artists and poets all claim to have captured truth, but the only truth I've encountered is in places unexpected. The mouth of a homeless man overflows with the truth. The eyes of a man who has seen war shine with the truth. The hands of a single mother are positively coated in the truth. The closest I've ever come to seeing the truth is in my own tragedy - when no lie can cover up what you know to be real.

What is truth? I don't know what truth is, but I know where I can find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there is truth everywhere. How we perceive it and how it is portrayed can be a lie, but there is truth in everything. In lies there is truth. In being fake we are true. When we are lost we are still true.