A Collection of Thoughts

Friday, July 07, 2006

Free will is an illusion. Religions over the world champion free will, stating that higher powers allow us to act freely, with no influence from above.

But this is a lie.

Christianity exonerates free will. It is one of the most enduring and emphasized ideals: God gave us free will as his greatest gift, to choose between right and wrong. But when analyzed critically, is there truly an unbiased option? Truth be told, there is NO FREE WILL because we are presented with reward and punishment, heaven and hell.

Take the following scenario. When presented with a moral choice, free will would dictate that the choice be left entirely up to the deciding party. However, given the choice of "Do good and be rewarded" or "Do bad and be punished," free will is mocked and compromised. The deciding party is unfairly biased towards doing good, for the reward of entering heaven.

Thus, TRUTH is that free will is false, an illusion. Only by breaking the bonds of reward and punishment, good and evil, is there truly a choice.

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